Hello to all my customers and visitors!
I first want to thank you for visiting and/or purchasing my handcrafted products! My name is Adam, and I was never really a wood worker but got into wood working after I had left the military and moved to Florida. This is where I started to dive into wood working and explore my ideas and concepts of work that I wanted to do. I didn’t really think to change my little hobby into a business adventure, but here I am doing just that.
I enjoy working with the wood and epoxy, while it can be frustrating at times, it’s well worth it in the end. All the products one will see on my site are all original and custom made right in my shop. I hand pick the wood I use and carefully select the epoxy, dyes, powders, and other topcoat materials for the products. At this time, I’m just starting to get off the ground and building smaller items but would like to expand into other areas like coffee and end tables, as well as desktops.
Without my customers, my hobby would be nothing more than that; my products would be dust collectors instead of being in homes helping give them character or lending to conversations as topics. I appreciate everyone visiting and buying my handcrafted products, and just know that you are supporting a veteran owned small business and his family! Thank each and every one of you and have an amazing and blessed day!
If anyone has any comments, concerns, questions, or needs assistance, please reach out to roughcutwoodworksllc@gmail.com
- Adam